These tracks from Doug’s album OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER were released as singles from March through October 2023. The full album was released October 28th, 2023. You can find and listen to the singles on YouTube or other streaming platforms below!
Released Oct. 27, 2023
A song from 2018, about how love gets us through anything. Somehow, it turned into an ‘80s power ballad, and Jessica Stuart contributed a killer solo!
Released Sept. 22, 2023
“I wrote this in 2020 while riding my bike around the back roads near Guelph, Ontario. The tempo change between the verse and the chorus is like what happens when you keep the same speed as you go from the flats to riding up hill. It also reflects my love of Celtic music, which was why I invited Jacob, Lauren, and Chris to play. (Chris and I play together in ‘Chroí’, a Celtic quartet.) You may hear the traditional Scottish fiddle tune ‘To a Rosebud’ in a couple of spots.” MORE INFO
Follow your Silence
Released July 21, 2023
“I wrote the first complete version of this song in a day in 2018 – that’s really rare for me! I started with the lyrics, and the idea that in a noisy world, you could connect with your love by following the peace and quite like a dog following a scent.” MORE INFO
Released June 24, 2023
“I wrote this in 2020, after reading a French environmental article on @radpointca. This is my first song in French, and it touches on how humans have to pull together and clean up our own mess. John Sheard’s keyboards were a lovely addition in the studio when we recorded this.” MORE INFO
The Well of Friendship
Released May 19, 2023
“From 2018 – the opening riff came to me in a dream, and I grabbed my guitar the minute I got up and figured it out. Love and friendship are the most important things in our lives, in my humble opinion.” MORE INFO
So Lost without You
Released March 31, 2023
“From 2017, a song for anyone who has lost someone close to you – it’s hard, but there will always be a piece of them in your heart.
This is for Bill and Elspeth…” MORE INFO